Happiness Fay

Build Back Happier

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony ” – Mahatma Gandhi

International Day of Happiness, also known as World Happiness Day, is celebrated every year worldwide on 20 March.

The day observed as to spread awareness about the importance of happiness in our lives

  • A day to recognize the value of joy and happiness
  • A day we can celebrate with our loved ones
  • A day to remind us of all that life is about being happy.

Unfortunately, emotions like anger and sadness are increasingly becoming a default way for a lot of us, so here’s a day to cheer up and appreciate the good things and silver linings in life.

International Day of Happiness reminds us that our actions matter and that each of us can help build a more compassionate world.

2022 International Day of Happiness echoes the theme “Build Back Happier “, – which will focus on the global recovery from the covid pandemic.

In the current world driven by materialistic goals and the attainment of personal gains, doing good for others is rare. However, if you have realized that true happiness is actually derived from spreading joy rather than looking for means of pursuing one’s selfish interests, here are three ways that you can spread happiness today:

SHARE POSITIVE MESSAGESSpread ideas that promote peace, kindness and understanding, online and in real life. 

We are drowning in a sea of negativity amid a daily tsunami of bad news. Social media has given us the power to take the news into our own hands and give us a choice, and we would instead make our friends happy than sad.

Yet new science in positive psychology shows that sharing the good news with others can provide you and the people you care about a much-needed life raft.

Positive emotions don’t just synchronize, they also spread.

CONNECT WITH PEOPLEReach out to people you know are connected to a crisis and offer your care and support.

Try connecting with them, listening to them. Even a single soothing word of comfort or an act of compassion may help them to find the hope to live.

Your words can help them to open up their sorrows. So, let’s do that and bring back our fellow beings to life.

SMILES ARE HEALTHY – Sharing a smile with friends or strangers can help brighten up their day.

This is the best way to spread happiness; there is always a reason to make you smile. You have to search for joy in the little things that would brighten up your day and the surrounding people.

Several studies have linked something as simple as smiling to improved mood, less stress, and more excellent amusement. What’s more, these reactions lead to more smiling, creating a positive cycle.

Remember that when you smile, the whole world smiles with you.

Happiness is a universal aspiration in the lives of all.

Be Happy for yourself and spread the world of happiness.

Cheers, Liven Varghese

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