Upgrade yourself to 5G
Happy New Year 2022
Another chapter from our life is ending now. 2022 is here. Each year we are trying to paint a picture of the year ahead, colouring it with resolutions, decisions, and plans. On this occasion, let me share with you a piece of thought- “Upgrade yourself to 5G“. The word 5G has brought a picture of our day-to-day partner, our mobile phone, to your mind.
Launched the first G in 1979, and it is from Japan. From there, it has spread across the globe, exploring horizons upgrading to 2G, 3G,4G and 5 G. Here, I am not sharing anything about the communication, but sharing some thoughts on upgrading ourselves to a better version to welcome the new year. So let me introduce you to the 5 most important G’s in our lives that can help us elevate to better people.
What exactly are life goals? Simply put, they’re the things you would like to accomplish in your life. A human must have a goal in his life. Remember, goals are not only about achieving something or working in a specific career field. It needs to reflect both Tangible and non-tangible.
For example, we become the helping hand or leading light to somebody else. Most of the time, we run behind tangible goals that are concrete or visible. We should also remember to be better human beings in 2022.
The world has started to believe and hope that the pandemic will end someday. So, in 2022, let us set goals to explore more places, cultures, and experiences. After all, travelling helps us transform and find ourselves.
“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.” We need to upgrade to our better version is ‘giving’. The quality of giving is something above the gifts or the material things we share. Just like the goals, we can provide tangible and intangible items. Ever received a smile from a stranger while walking through the streets? If yes, then you can relate to the charm of giving. Sometimes, a gentle touch, simple words, or even a compassionate glance can create wonders. What matters most is how we give it. We need to learn to share things with our hearts, not just from our wallets. It should be the heart that lends the gift, not the hands.
Let us give each other mental, physical, emotional, financial and logical support and stand with each other through thick and thin. And in this era of the pandemic, we are all desperate for such support systems. “As we sow, so shall we reap” Let us plant the seed of generosity in our minds and upgrade us to a better person this year. Trust me, and the world will uphold us when will least expect.
To glow means to spread light, to exude happiness. It is not mere spreading of light but shining. It may happen two ways, naturally or planned. However, this glow evolves from our actions, our efforts to do these things or even our thoughts. This year, let us make a list of things that can make us glow. It need not be massive projects or missions. Even the mundane things like starting a new exercise, diet plan, changing your attire or even picking up a new book to read can count. Doing things that make you feel better can make you shine and help you make others shine. This glow is the self-satisfaction and the confidence you feel about yourself.
After all, the glow is nothing but a mental, physical, and emotional transformation to be a better person. We are innately capable of illuminating ourselves, but to make it contagious to others, we can plan it and mark a small checklist. Like the stars, it is the tiny things that shine brighter.
We all have masks, and we wear them accordingly. We wear a mask at the office and home with friends and pretend what we are not. Let us put an end to it and be genuine this time. From the tiniest deeds, we do let us do it with authenticity. To live as an authentic person in this society, we need to be honest. Honesty comes with sincerity, openness, straightforwardness. Practising these qualities makes us role models to the community to live without veils.
We live in a diverse society where we meet many people both in our personal life and career path. Making conclusions about someone before knowing about them is common among us. This year let us stop judging people. Each individual we meet may have a story and reasons behind what they are now. We need to accept and recognize each individual. Let us upgrade ourselves to an individual valuing, respecting, and trusting fellow beings.
Gratitude is one of the finest qualities a man can possess.
The quality of being thankful or appreciating one’s efforts is one of the best qualities any of them needs to achieve. Sadly, we are oblivious to showing gratitude. Let 2022 be a year to learn the art of expressing gratitude. All we have to do is think about the smile that spreads on our faces when we appreciate someone. An act of gratitude and appreciation can transform a man.
Even when life seems more complex, there will be a light of hope in life. Be grateful for that. The pandemic has shackled us for almost two years. Still, we could see rays of light at the end of the tunnel. There have been people who remembered to care for us, love us, or show kindness enough to make sure that we were ok. But have you thanked them enough? The answer may be no. We refuse to show gratitude. This year let us wholeheartedly express our gratitude for everything we have in our life, to our friends, our family, our team, and for everything. Remember, we must be thankful for the fortunes in our lives and everything that has happened in our lives. All those hardships have helped us to learn new lessons in life.
As the quote says: “Gratitude is the simple key that opens the door to instant happiness”.
It opens the door to a better world. Gratitude evokes joy in and around who express it. So let us thank everybody who stood with us. Let us spread this message and make the world a hope-filled better place to live.
These are the 5Gs I wanted to share with you in this new year. Along with rapidly upgrading technology, humanity seems lost in this world at times. To nurture this world for a better tomorrow, we need to fill ourselves with love, compassion, brotherhood, and all that may cater for these 5Gs. So here I have ventured to share my thoughts that may lead us in upgrading the humane qualities to make the world a better place. Start with a few things, hoping these will help you in need and wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year ahead.
Best Wishes,
Wonderful Message , Thanks
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